Partners – How can you get involved?


How can I get involved?

There are a variety of ways to join our school in preparing our students for careers in the engineering and science industries.  We welcome your help in any way, but some suggestions are below:

Be a speaker in our Friday Speaker Series:

  • If you’re a professional working in the engineering or science fields, we’d love you to come and speak with our students about what you do. This doesn’t mean you have to be a scientist or engineer! Partners working in marketing, management, etc at an organization focused on engineering or science would be a welcome addition.
  • If you’re a student currently working on a bachelors, masters, doctorate, or professional degree we would also encourage you to come meet with our students.
  • Check out the dates here and contact us with your interest.

Host a job shadow or internship:


Support the Speaker Series:

We estimate the cost of providing lunch for students and speakers during these events will total $3000, roughly $150/lunch session. If you or your organization would like to contribute a general donation or sponsor a speaker session, we would be more than happy to recognize your generosity during the speaker sessions and on our website.

Support our First Robotics Team:

Our FRC teams continue to improve in both building awesome robots and preparing for their future careers in engineering and science. Our 11th and 12th grade students work hard to raise money to build their robots and register for competitions.  Please contact Olivia Wong or Ken Davis for more information.

Promotional Items:

If you have any swag or branded promotional material (lanyards, office supplies, posters, etc) that you would like to donate, they are also welcome. We can provide a letter documenting your donation for tax purposes if you’d like.

Spread the word:

  • Know someone working in the engineering or science fields? Encourage them to contact us and participate!

Check out more info in the SES Partner Manual!